HPCC Report For Week 1

HPCC Report For Week 1

Finished Tasks

Task Details
Install Environment Install HPCC Platform, client tools, VS Code and Pycharm. This was finished by the first two days and it could run ECL example codes.
Course Training Look through ECL tutorial course. Finish all the lab exercise to enhance the memory of syntax at ECL.
Sample Model Analyst Investigate the workflow of the Training model. It includes Data Preprocessing (ETL — Extra, Transform, Load), Building Model, Training Model, and Evaluation Matrix. There are three kinds of the model in the sample projects. It utilizes the Linear Regression Model and Logistic Regression Model at the project of New York Taxi Trip. In Project Stock Price Prediction, it uses the Logistic Regression Model.

Processing Tasks

Processing Task Notes
Refine Sample Model Two sample projects are quite good examples of Data Modeling. They present the whole process for ETL, Training Model and Evaluation by HPCC System. But it still has some fields to improve the confidence, such as random split the data to training data and testing data.

Upcoming Tasks and Milestones

Task/Milestone Notes
Advance Course Training Taking Advance ECL Course(Part1 and Part 2)


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